Thursday, 27 November 2008

Fibonacci tree - fun with mathematics

Here is a simple little project to create a Fibonacci tree from drinking straws.

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Thanks for cake disposal 2nd meeting report

Hello everyone,
On Monday evening we examined how to stabilise the balloon and stop it falling over. I loved the way students used drinking straws. These were the bendy type and were attached to the cd's with blutak? The results were colourful and mostly effective with 5 to 6 metres being achieved. Well done to the student who also tried making a paper tube support.
Next session I want to give a short input regarding some mathematics. This will be followed by building a hovercraft kit. I have bought enough batteries for everyone.

Hopefully the following session will feature vacuum forming and more hovercraft making.

Sunday, 23 November 2008

STEM calendar

Available here - may change as circumstances dictate.

STEM cake

At our next meeting can someone remind me that we need to dispose of our birthday cake.